Fees are payable in advance by cash, bank transfer or childcare vouchers/tax free childcare



Monthly fees must be paid promptly. Non-payment for more than one month may result in you child's place being terminated. If you are having difficulty paying fees, please contact the manager as soon possible to avoid further charges. 


Changes to days and/or cancelling your place, requires one month's notice.


If you need to change the days that you child attends, please contact the manager. We will try to accommodate changes wherever possible.


At STV, our club operates for 11 months of the year, we do not charge the monthly fee in August due to the 4 week summer programme.


Please remember if your child is away due to sickness, holidays or absent from school etc, you will still be required to pay the monthly contracted fees.


After School Club Form 



Holiday Club Form




Holiday Payment Pot

The most common problem that most parents face is the half term holiday. Not realising its here again and not aware of what to do because of money. With the Holiday Saving Pot, you will be able to pay the small amount of £5 to £10 extra per week. The accumulation of those extra payments will go towards Holiday Club payments.

This is a non refundable pot that is only to help parents set aside money for Holiday Club.